Linked Open Data

Linked Open Data, an opportunity for institutions and users

Open Data
Open Data are available to everyone. They comes from public amministration or private company and they can be used to several purposes.
Open Data are free available but you have to know the source or keep the database always open. Open Data refers to open government discipline. It means that public administration should be open to citizens, in terms of transparency and direct participation in the decision-making process, also through the use of new information and communication technologies.The Agency for Digital Italy is the national competence center on the subject of open data, in the context of the regulatory provisions contained in the Digital Administration Code (article 1, paragraph, letter l-ter) and in the transposition regulations of the PSI (Public Sector Information) directive, in line with the Open Government policies supported by the Italian government.
Linked Open Data (LOD)
Interconnected data
Isolated data has a little value, their value increase when one or more dataset, producted and published independently and by different subjects, offer the possibility to be integrated between them to create a new shared knowledge. To reach this object is necessary to respect some rules: - Dataset have to publish in open and achievable way - The data managed have to be structured according to a standard format that can be recognized and interpreted by the computer (RDF, RDF / XML, Turtle, OWL, JSON-LD, SKOS). - Unique URI to the definition of resources - To define the instances that populate the datasets in a homogeneous way.
LOD Explorer
Browsing and quering Linked Data
LOD Explorer is a server to catalogue, to show and to quere open data. Developed by da e-Soft in Java language, it allows to quere and to diffuse data interrelated and exposed as RDF Graphs.
Onto Municipality (web semantico)
The use of shared vocabularies and ontologies constitutes one of the most important things for the creation of the Semantic Web, allowing to correctly relate data from multiple sources.
A LOD (Linked Open Data) system of a public administration exposes resources and information related to various semantic domains. Onto Municipality was created by the Municipality of Bologna and by e-Soft s.r.l., and is licensed under the CC BY NC 3.0 IT license; at the moment it defines some words and rules relating to the following areas: basic concepts (local resources, codes, etc), administrative (correlated with spcdata), statistics, toponymy, tourism/economy, school. Onto Municipality uses OWL concepts, like Classi, ObjectProperty and DatatypeProperty, and it has been validated by open-source Protégé.

Data available online and interpretable by a machine (raw data) and connectable to others of the same type, they represent one of the most important resources to increase knowledge and to create new connections between resources and at the same time improving their visibility. In Europe the promotion of open and interconnected data (Linked Open Data) is one of the "best practices" adopted by the main European platforms for the management of digital cultural heritage.
e-Soft promotes all initiatives about Open Data and Linked Data and supports public and private administrations during the process of opening and publishing data.

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