ESRI proposes itself as a reference and leading provider in the GIS sector, offering numerous technologies and tools to memorize, analyze and visualize geographic information.

Create maps for every need
The ArcGIS Platform allows you to create, integrate and share maps, applications and data, coordinate a team thanks to technological innovation in your business and improving decision-making processes.
Map applications made for you
Futhermore, Platform ArcGIS gives your disposal a lot of tools, like templates and widgets, to create customized applications, built on your specific needs. There are also a lot of useful apps already available to solve many needs.
Collector and Survey 123
Apps to create maps, collect and update data, directly in the field, with smartphones and tablets, both online and offline.
Operators can manage data, replay to reports or requests for assistance, easily attaching images and videos to their project and sharing it externally. Thanks to the use of precision detectors, you acquired some high quality and reliable data. Collector for ArcGIS is a tool that allows you to create maps, collect and update data, directly in the field, with smartphones and tablets, both online and offline. Survey123 for ArcGIS works in a simple and intuitive way, allowing you to create, analyze and share questionnaires in three steps.
Geo Dashboards and Insights
Integrate, analyze and show geographic data
Insights for ArcGIS is Esri's powerful new technology tool that allows you to explore, visualize, analyze and share spatial analysis results. The Dashboards allow you to explore data in an interactive and bidirectional selection mode between maps, graphs, indicators, lists. During the Coronavirus epidemic many major world organizations have used the ESRI Dashboard to represent data on the spread of the virus.

Tell us about your project

We are at your disposal for any questions or informations, write us, and we will happy to answer you.